I made these comics during the first nine weeks of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic in the United States.

During this time, I was working in the sales team of a specialty coffee company, seeing many of our customers struggle.

There was a kind of suspended reality, like a dream you desperately needed to wake up from.

How could things turn upside down so quickly? And already many people seemed to want to get on with summer.

As if ignoring the realities could be any comfort.

It was a fresh reminder that, in spite of everything, many of us were really on our own.

And being on your own is really pretty lonely.

Though we shared many of the same problems, our isolation kept us from forming any real coalition.

Alone, we waited for something to change, not expecting that Memorial Day would bring a different sort of cataclysm.

© Lenora Yerkes, 2020