Digital illustration, private client, 2022.

“Rage Queen,” Drawing Power, Abrams, 2019, edited by Diane Noomin.

Page from “The Stranger,” Trailer Blaze zine, Short Run Seattle, 2021.

Blue Ghost series, personal work, 2021.

The Smart One, personal work, 2019.

Isolation Series, Multidisciplinary Assoc. for Psychedelic Studies, 2021.

Age of Loneliness, Orion Magazine, Summer 2022.

“Covid Comix,” week five of nine-week series, personal work. 2020.

Astronaut series, private client, 2022.

Digital illustration, private client, 2022.

Homeroom, personal work, 2019.

Isolation Series #9, The Wildset Hotel, 2021.

Narrative comic, personal work, 2022.

Digital Illustration, private client, 2022.